Christy Perry, a Republican state representative and co-owner of a gun shop in Boise, regularly travels with her husband to gun shows to sell their wares. Voters come to her booth so often that her husband jokingly plunked a sign next to the AR-15s: “Gun talk only. No...

Editorial: State tackling opioid crisis on many fronts

OWH A statewide coalition is demonstrating impressive collaboration in tackling the opioid issue in Nebraska. These medical professionals, treatment providers, government agencies and law enforcement personnel have taken a series of sensible actions to better equip...

Axon Plans ‘Public Evidence Project’ for Citizen Video

Axon, the largest vendor of police-worn body cameras, is moving into the business of capturing video taken by the public, The Intercept reports ( . In a survey to law...

States Restrict Info from Public Information Requests

In February, Arkansas lawmakers marked the 50-year anniversary of the Freedom of Information Act with a resolution calling it “a shining example of open government.” Then they approved new exemptions to the law in what critics called an unprecedented attack on the...

Police: New Apple technology will delay justice in DC area

Apple’s new security features will make it harder for local police to retrieve digital evidence they need to solve crimes. While great for consumers, without the ability to bypass enhanced security such as facial recognition, investigators said it will delay justice....

Cities Enact Penalties for Violence In Front of Children

Burleson, Tx., is among cities pioneering a way to protect children. A new city ordinance makes it unlawful to physically attack anyone in front of a child, meaning abusers can be punished for a child’s anguish as well as for injuries. View Full Report

Editorial: Midlands take steps to combat opioid epidemic

OWH 10/1/17 The personal misery, loss of life and community harm stemming from the opioid (prescription painkiller) crisis continue to mount. Although the Midlands commendably have taken important proactive steps, our area has not been spared from harm. The need is...