Pat Condon will run for Lancaster County attorney

Pat Condon announced Monday that he will run to be the next Lancaster County attorney. Condon has 28 years experience in the office and for the past seven has been chief deputy to County Attorney Joe Kelly, a fellow Republican who has been nominated to be U.S....

Senators consider bill to limit child depositions

Senators consider bill to limit child depositions  January 26, 2018 admin Sen. Sue Crawford, LB589 Children questioned as witnesses in criminal court cases would be given additional consideration under a bill discussed by lawmakers Jan. 23 and 25. Sen. Sue Crawford...

Nebraska elections head: confidence lost in Trump voting commission

Nebraska elections head: confidence lost in Trump voting commission by Fred Knapp, NET News In just over a quarter century, the tax has brought in about $1.5 million used for programs like drug enforcement and education. The vast majority of that has come from...

Governor appoints Cass County Attorney to District 2 judgeship

Gov. Pete Ricketts has appointed Cass County Attorney Nathan Cox to replace District Court Judge William B. Zastera in Nebraska’s 2nd Judicial District. Zastera retired in Oct. 1 after more than 26 years of service on the county and district court benches in...

Senators seek opioid limits for minors, ID requirement

Senators seek opioid limits for minors, ID requirement A trio of Nebraska lawmakers introduced bills Tuesday aimed at addressing the state’s growing problem of opioid addiction. Among their proposals was a limit on opioid prescriptions for minors and a...

Bill would convert consent standard for sex to ‘yes means yes’

A Lincoln senator wants to flip the script on giving consent for sex. Instead of the common rule of “no means no,” which implies that unless a person says no, the other person in a sexual encounter assumes there’s permission, an affirmative consent...